Fake baba fuck me hard

Read in Baba Sex Porn Story that in a village a Baba used to treat in his own way. What did he do with girls and daughters-in-law under the guise of treatment?

Today I am writing a new story.

This baba sex porn story is from some 20 years ago. There were not many medical facilities at that time. Even in the village there were only one or two doctors; He is also not very educated.
If there was some strange disease, then that disease was given names like Upper Wind, Jhapt, Ghost’s Shadow.

People used to go to Sadhu Maharaj for their treatment as he also studied about medicine in Gurukul and treated many mental and physical diseases.
That Sadhu Maharaj was given the name of Baba.

Now all Babas were not the same; There were some fake Baba also. Like these good saints, they used to earn money just by wearing clothes and extinguish the fire of their lust.

A Baba lived in a cottage a little distance away from the village.
He used to earn his living by begging for flour, milk and butter in the village.
One or two people in the village suffered from some illness and Baba cured it.
So everyone started paying respects to him and brought him to the temple.

Arrangements were made for his stay in an old house behind the temple.
Now many patients from the village started going to Baba.

Baba would have provided some treatment to some. Some were fine…some were not…but Baba did not make any allegations.
A village girl, Lajwanti alias Lajo, a 22-year-old soldier, was ill for a long time.

She was shown to the doctor but she did not get better.
So someone told Lajo’s mother to show it to the temple Baba also once!
That there is no ghost present.

So she went to Baba with Lajo.

Baba was busy cleaning the temple. Baba asked her to go behind the temple and wait, so she came to Baba’s house.

After some time Baba also came.
He asked- Mother, what is your problem?
So mother told the whole story.

Baba explained to him a little and started talking to Lajo.
After asking a few things, he made a bundle of ashes and gave it to her.
Then he said – Mother, bring him at this time for a day or two.
So mother said yes to him.

Now Lajwanti went to Baba the next day also.
He spoke to him again.

Two or four continued.

Then one day Baba made Lajwanti sit in front and asked her mother to sit on the cot kept at a distance.
So Lajwanti’s mother sat on the cot kept some distance away.

Baba started talking to Lajo – Child, do you feel hungry?
Lajwanti- Yes Baba!

Baba- Is there anything to worry about at home?
Lajwanti- No Baba, everything is fine.

Baba- Are you married?
Lajwanti- No Baba, it is not done yet.

Baba- Do you feel like it?
Lajwanti- Yes Baba!

Due to Baba’s continuous asking of questions, Lajwanti could not think and just kept on speaking.
But now she felt a little shy after saying this.

Baba- Yes, now that you are young, you must be feeling like it. Have you met anyone yet?
Lajwanti remained sitting with her head bowed; Didn’t speak.

Baba- Child, tell me, have you met anyone or are you still a virgin?
Now Lajwanti turned towards her mother. She was sitting some distance away and was looking at him but was not hearing his voice.

Baba- Mother will not listen to us. Tell me, are you a virgin or not?
Lajwanti bowed her head and said yes.

So Baba said- Your illness came to light.
Lajwanti- Okay Baba.

Baba- Yes, treatment has been found but it is very difficult to do.
Lajwanti- Baba, whatever you want to do, I will do it. Just tell me!

Baba- Daughter, the first condition of treatment is that you will not tell this to anyone.
Lajwanti- Okay Baba, don’t tell anyone.

Baba- So listen carefully! When you get up to urinate at night, wash your hands and face thoroughly, take a radish or carrot and rub it on the place where you urinate.
Lajwanti- Okay Baba.

Now Lajwanti came home.
She started looking for radish in the house but couldn’t find it, so she picked up a big carrot and hid it in the kitchen.
Then she started waiting for night.

As soon as everyone slept, Lajwanti picked up carrots from the kitchen and came to the urinal behind the house.
She peed and then started rubbing the carrot on her pussy.

After some time she started enjoying it so she started rubbing harder.
Even if the carrot entered her pussy a little, she would still keep rubbing it.

Then her pussy released water and she felt very good.
So she came back and slept.

She kept rubbing carrot and radish on her pussy every night for a few days. Sometimes she would put it inside and keep taking out the water.
Now she started looking normal to everyone in the house.
Meaning now she is fine.

Then after a few days Lajwanti went to meet Baba with her mother.
Mother-Baba, you have done wonders. Right now it is absolutely fine.

Baba- Mother, this is God’s mercy. He does everything!
Mom- Baba, take it, I brought food for you.

Baba got the food kept and said – Mother, now marry her to a good boy!
Mother: Yes Baba, you should have got married earlier. But she was ill. Its color had also turned yellow. But will do it now.
Lajwanti felt shy after hearing about the marriage.

Baba- Mother, you will have to send him to the temple in the morning and perform puja so that he gets a good home.
Mother: Okay baba, she will come from tomorrow itself.

Next day, when Lajwanti came to worship in the morning, Baba saw her and while going back signaled her to follow the temple.
She left.

Baba was alone there.
Baba- How are you now daughter?
Lajwanti- I am fine now Baba!

Baba- Daughter, we will have to treat you a little more now.
Lajwanti- Okay Baba, tell me what to do?
Baba- Okay, come inside.

So Lajwanti went inside with Baba.

Baba held his hand and told him to keep the things and closed the door himself.

So Lajwanti got scared after seeing the door closed – Baba why did you close the door?
Baba- Some treatments have to be done alone. I told you that day also.

Lajwanti now understood and became silent.

Baba- Come on, open the nada now.
Lajwanti did not think much and opened the knot of her salwar.
Baba said- Keep it there and lie down on the cot there.
Lajwanti took off her salwar and lay down.

Baba now placed his hand on Lajwanti’s pussy and started caressing it.
So Lajwanti started enjoying.

Baba- How are you feeling, daughter?
Lajwanti- Looks great Baba!

Baba put his finger in her pussy and started moving it in and out.
Lajwanti was having fun by raising both her legs while moaning.

Baba- Child, now you will have a little pain and then you will not have any disease for the rest of your life.
Lajwanti nodded yes and continued enjoying.

Baba opened his dhoti, took out his penis and climbed on top of Lajwanti. He inserted his penis into Lajwanti’s wet pussy and pushed.
So she did not feel much pain because she used to stuff radish and carrot inside every day.

Baba- Isn’t it painful, daughter?
Lajwanti- Ah no Baba ah ah!

Baba understood that his work was done and he started fucking.
Lajwanti kept getting fucked with pleasure and her pussy released water.

Now Baba’s penis was about to ejaculate, so he took it out, stood up and released the fluid with his hand.

From then onwards Baba used to fuck Lajwanti every day.
Then he got married.

But Baba had become even more famous.

A woman in Lajwanti’s neighborhood had been married for two years but had not had a child, so she told Lajwanti’s mother.
So he gave complete information about Baba.

The next day Kamla went to Baba with her son’s daughter-in-law Kusum.
Baba assured Kamala that God will make everything alright.

And made Kusum sit in front and started asking about her – How old is your daughter?
Kusum- Baba, I am 23 years old.

Baba- When did you get married?
Kusum- Two years ago!

Baba- Why was the child not born?
Kusum- I don’t know what happened to Baba.

Baba- Yes, that is what I am asking… is it done?
Kusum- I don’t know Baba.

Baba: Only you know, daughter… no one else can tell.
Kusum- What do I know?

Baba- What has happened? Does anything happen or not?
Kusum understood – Yes Baba, we do it but we do not have a child.

Baba- In how many days do you do it?
Kusum- It should happen in two-four days.

Baba- How often do you do it?
Kusum- Do it once.

Baba- How long does it take?
Kusum- I don’t know Baba. You should have looked at the time! But what difference does it make?

Baba: Daughter, because of this very thing one cannot have a child.
Kusum- So what should I do, Baba?

Baba: When the child goes home today, pay attention to how long he did it and whether the seed went inside.
Kusum- Okay Baba.

Baba- Wake up early in the morning and come and show me again.
Kusum- Okay Baba, I will come.

Now Kusum came home and when her husband started fucking her at night, she was paying full attention.
But her husband inserted his penis and started fucking her and within two minutes he ejaculated.

Next morning at 4 o’clock, Kusum asked Kamla to go to Baba, so both of them came to the temple together.

It was not much daylight so it was still a little dark.
Both of them bowed to Baba and Baba asked them to go behind the temple.

Now Baba also came and Baba said – Mother, you should have darshan in the temple. Or your daughter-in-law for not speaking properly in front of you.
So Kamla left from there.

Baba- Yes daughter, tell me what happened last night?
Kusum- Baba I did it but it was only for a short while.

Baba- Did the seed go inside?
Kusum- Yes Baba.

Baba- Did your semen also come out?

Kusum- No Baba. That should happen so soon. Mine would not have come out.
Baba- So now you understand why I cannot become a mother.
Kusum remained silent.

Baba- Only when the seeds of both will meet each other, a child will be born.
Kusum- So what should I do, Baba? When he doesn’t come out.

Baba- You will have to do it with someone else who will remove your semen also.
Kusum- Baba, what are you saying? What a disgrace it would be if you did it with someone else. My in-laws will throw me out of the house. My whole life will be ruined.

Baba: Daughter, this is correct. But like this you will never be able to become a mother.
Now Kusum got lost in thought.

Baba- I have a solution. You will also become a mother and no one will even know anything.
Kusum folded her hands and said – Baba, please tell me. I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life.

Baba- Daughter, I can give you my seed.
Kusum- But Baba… how will I come here alone?

Baba- I will tell your mother-in-law that she will have to worship the temple every morning for a month.
Kusum- Baba, my mother-in-law will come with me.
Baba- Initially she will come for one or two days but not every day. You sit for a long time in worship every day and chant the name. Trust me, she won’t come even for two days.

Kusum is happy now.

Now Kusum started coming for worship.
Her mother-in-law came with her for two-four days, then she said – you go alone! I got worried. It will take you an hour to do the puja.

Now Kusum quickly came to the temple and after worshiping, signaled Baba.
Baba also came back.

She came inside and sat down.
So Baba looked at her and said – Didn’t your mother-in-law come today?
Kusum- No Baba!
Baba- We had already told you!

Kusum- Yes Baba, now do it quickly… I have to go home soon.
Baba- Don’t be in a hurry child… go at the same time as you go every day.

Baba made Kusum lie down on the cot and started sucking her lips.
Then he opened the hooks of her blouse and started removing her bra.

He started pressing and sucking Kusum’s soft breasts.
Kusum was enjoying.

Baba said – Daughter, now take off this saree and petticoat also.
Now Kusum became naked and so did Baba.

Baba put two fingers in Kusum’s pussy and started shaking it.
Water came out from Kusum’s pussy and she became completely wet with that water.

So Baba asked her to lie down and climbed up and inserted his penis inside.
Kusum screamed loudly.

Baba closed her mouth and said – What happened daughter?
Kusum said- Baba, it is hurting. Stop!

So Baba stopped and started pressing Kusum’s breasts.
Kusum said- Baba, it is a small one from my family. Yours is as big as a horse’s, I have stripped it down to its stomach.

Baba: Daughter, it is because of your small penis that your semen does not come out and you do not become a mother. But now I will remain as your mother.

Now Baba again started fucking slowly.
So Kusum now raised her ass and started pushing.

Baba also started fucking vigorously and released semen into Kusum’s pussy.
Safflower’s water also came out.

Now Baba used to fuck Kusum every morning for many days.

There were no periods in the next month.
So she became happy and told everyone that she was going to become a mother.

Baba did many such works.

Now many people come to him for treatment.
He fucks women in new ways.

When a woman came to him, Baba said – go inside the room and open the nada.
So she went inside laughing and took off her saree and opened the knot of her petticoat.
Baba fucked her well.

And everyone outside was thinking that treatment was taking place inside.

Then a noble woman came to Baba and Baba told her too – go inside and open the nada.

The woman raised an alarm and called her husband who was standing far away and told him the nerve-wracking incident.

So Baba felt that today all the devotees would come together and break his ass. Today only Baba will be treated.
But where was Baba going to get trapped?

He said- Child, don’t insult me ​​by saying such dirty things!
So they said – Baba, if she was sitting alone, did you ask her to open her nada or not?
Baba- Yes I said. But that pulse is inside the room. Which is tied to make a vow to God.

Now everyone became calm and the woman fell at Baba’s feet and started apologizing.

Baba has now adopted a better method.
Tells everyone to open the channel.

The woman who went into the room after hearing Nade’s talk, would have fucked her pussy and ass.
Otherwise Mannat would have told the Naada and would have been saved.

But some sensible person caught hold of that Baba sex thing and called the police.

After being caught by the police, it was found out that he was a criminal who had escaped from jail.
But he had been a Baba for many years.


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