I have received a mail from a reader in which he wants to know how much time should he start having sex after delivery of the baby?
So the following answer is based on general information and intellectual knowledge. I am not a doctor or expert. If you want to get in-depth information about this then contact your doctor only.
No definite answer can be given to this question. The answer to this question depends on many things.
In short, after having a baby, when the woman becomes completely physically fit, then only the husband and wife should start having sex.
A woman has to face various types of problems during the nine months of pregnancy. There is both physical and mental pressure on her… At the time of the first delivery, there is a lot of mental stress because the woman is afraid of the pain during delivery. His physical health is also not good. Two to three months are spent in vomiting etc. After that, the bulge in the stomach starts appearing and the weight also increases. Special care has to be taken about food and drink also.
After delivery i.e. after having a child, a woman naturally becomes weak and along with the child, work and responsibilities also increase…day time is spent in taking care of the child and fulfilling its needs and also the night time is spent in taking care of the child. Having to wake up often, the newborn does not get rest, due to lack of sleep she starts becoming irritable. Therefore, do not be hasty in having sex.
Anyway, nowadays most of the children are born through caesarean method, so there should not be any pressure on the stitches for at least three months. Therefore, in caesarean case one should abstain from sex for at least three months.
Some tearing is normal even in a normal delivery, stitches are required in that too, so in this case also it is mandatory to spend at least three months without sex.
Even if the delivery is completely normal, the pregnant woman will find it difficult to have sex due to pain in the uterus, dilation of the vagina, swelling in the vagina, and pain. So even in a completely normal condition one should not have sex for at least two months.
In India, it is a common custom that a woman is given complete rest for forty days after delivery. She is under the care of another woman in her house. And when she goes to her maternal home after forty days, then due to this custom the woman automatically abstains from sex after delivery.
Before starting sex after delivery, one should get examined by a gynecologist and start having sex only with her permission. Even after taking permission from the doctor, sex should be done only when the woman herself is mentally ready.
If the husband does something forcefully then the wife may have feelings of hatred towards the husband. She will feel that her husband loves her body and not her. Therefore, it is the right opinion for all the husbands and wives to maintain abstinence for three months after delivery, after that, start sex only when everything remains normal… that too in limited quantity like once a week…
A few months after delivery, a woman’s menstruation starts but it remains irregular, hence contraceptive means should be used to avoid pregnancy again. Since the child drinks mother’s milk, it is better not to use medicines i.e. contraceptive pills.
Condoms are the best way to avoid unwanted pregnancy at this time.
Many times, the desire to have sex does not awaken in a woman’s mind even after several months of delivery. In such a situation, the husband should try to awaken sexual desire in his wife with great tolerance, understanding and love, and should not force her. Needed.
Sex is a matter of love, not of coercion, enthusiasm, passion or showing masculinity!
The husband should understand his wife’s problems. Besides, the wife should also understand the needs of her husband. The wonderful relationship between husband and wife should be maintained only through mutual coordination.